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Stationer nära FAR WITHY
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XETA13.5 yards 353°2024-11-25 08:29:07 THUNDER 224.6 yards 267°2024-11-21 09:32:50
SHANGRILA27.6 yards 229°2024-12-08 04:51:02 TIME TO BOND29.0 yards 282°2024-11-28 03:07:31
BLONDE MOMENT30.1 yards 333°2024-11-25 12:41:33 PETIT KATIE LOU30.4 yards 254°2024-12-11 09:20:45
PURE VISION32.3 yards 283°2024-12-09 05:06:55 CETEWAYO32.6 yards 255°2024-11-28 05:39:14
JYBE TALKIN'32.9 yards 253°2024-12-06 07:38:37 LADY STEPHANIE TOO33.8 yards 258°2024-12-03 05:01:32
PRIDE OF BROADWAY36.6 yards 289°2024-12-02 07:58:05 SUPERFISH37.1 yards 262°2024-12-04 05:15:34
TOKAMAK39.4 yards 30°2024-11-16 09:35:47 FIREFLY43.8 yards 101°2024-12-05 05:16:01
KESTREL45.7 yards 46°2024-11-27 20:08:37 EYECATCHER OF JERSEY47.1 yards 46°2024-11-15 12:07:56
AZYGOS48.8 yards 312°2024-12-08 05:11:14 XENIA51.1 yards 347°2024-11-29 09:01:43
JOLIE BRISE II51.4 yards 269°2024-11-21 08:21:50 LAZY TIGER II53.7 yards 13°2024-12-06 09:55:24
SKYLARK56.6 yards 132°2024-11-17 08:09:00 ANTEREN62.4 yards 61°2024-11-27 09:32:20
GAEL FORCE67.9 yards 129°2024-11-25 10:30:19 JIRO72.4 yards 72°2024-11-28 06:04:32
KOTARI85.5 yards 46°2024-12-10 09:47:55 LEONIS86.8 yards 6°2024-12-11 14:34:19
SQUIBBLE90.7 yards 345°2024-12-02 07:02:23 AMITIE 11195.9 yards 138°2024-12-11 14:34:19
VESPER SARGO 3696.2 yards 136°2024-12-04 06:16:21 LINDISFARNE97.8 yards 11°2024-12-07 11:40:48
HOGWARTS III102.6 yards 69°2024-12-11 05:12:22 FIRST RULE106.9 yards 0°2024-12-03 06:58:05
SILVER FOX108.3 yards 19°2024-11-28 11:03:13 VARVASSI112.7 yards 20°2024-12-05 10:50:04
PURPLE MIST113.8 yards 7°2024-12-11 14:34:19 DEFENDER115.7 yards 126°2024-12-05 07:17:31
JELTZ115.9 yards 45°2024-12-11 06:48:33 MERCATOR117.5 yards 14°2024-12-11 14:34:19
CLOUD 9118.0 yards 256°2024-11-19 06:43:15 WATERPROOF127.0 yards 35°2024-12-02 05:41:18
LANTANA CAMARA127.8 yards 58°2024-12-08 07:48:18 SENIOR MOMENTS138.3 yards 163°2024-12-11 09:20:45
JAGO140.1 yards 356°2024-12-08 08:08:35 STRAMASH140.1 yards 253°2024-11-17 08:54:37
BIG BEAR142.5 yards 129°2024-12-07 09:14:30 ASANTE144.8 yards 8°2024-11-30 10:08:34
PIGLET...OF OAK WOOD148.2 yards 347°2024-11-20 06:23:22 SOUNDWAVE148.5 yards 343°2024-11-28 09:47:16
DUSK149.3 yards 341°2024-12-10 05:09:39 DRAGON151.8 yards 124°2024-12-06 10:15:39
LISMORE SARGO28153.4 yards 338°2024-11-30 11:14:22 WHISTLER166.5 yards 1°2024-12-06 18:10:29
PEARLFISHER166.8 yards 12°2024-12-03 09:39:44 MAVERICK168.4 yards 86°2024-12-09 06:22:58
ACAMAR OF LYMINGTON181.9 yards 228°2024-12-10 03:13:18 SEA ESSAY182.2 yards 158°2024-12-11 14:29:16
ELEANOR182.3 yards 28°2024-12-01 08:17:28 ELLOS STAR190.7 yards 159°2024-11-25 10:35:22
CORUISK194.7 yards 215°2024-11-26 09:33:18 XOXO198.1 yards 6°2024-11-29 10:58:13
TARAS199.4 yards 335°2024-11-27 04:23:48 BLACK SHEEP200.5 yards 224°2024-11-13 07:05:03
QUIRKY202.7 yards 174°2024-11-15 11:12:18 PERSEPHONE203.7 yards 155°2024-11-29 12:59:37
ISABELLA PORTSMOUTH209.6 yards 170°2024-11-25 05:11:57 JENNAURA212.8 yards 134°2024-11-27 10:53:12
OVERLORD219.7 yards 102°2024-11-26 06:10:56 BARCAROLLE230.8 yards 201°2024-12-09 07:38:56
ARCONA 370 GEMINI230.8 yards 200°2024-12-06 09:45:17 JUNIPER233.0 yards 158°2024-12-11 06:38:25
SOFIA RYS233.9 yards 31°2024-11-17 09:04:44 NORTHERN SPIRIT233.9 yards 205°2024-12-11 04:36:57
PURE PRESSURE234.8 yards 157°2024-12-03 07:13:17 MARGO SARGO 36237.1 yards 205°2024-11-29 11:38:43
CALYPSO ROYALE240.8 yards 43°2024-12-06 07:03:10 KAIROS241.3 yards 206°2024-12-06 06:58:06
PROTEGE244.1 yards 104°2024-12-10 06:30:37 JUNO252.8 yards 131°2024-12-10 04:44:22
ZEME253.2 yards 204°2024-12-06 11:36:34 PURE ENERGY255.0 yards 19°2024-12-05 03:14:39
AVANT GARDE264.4 yards 37°2024-12-11 06:08:02 QUANDARY268.9 yards 139°2024-12-01 10:34:08
MY TERN278.8 yards 32°2024-12-06 09:04:45 RAYMARINER282.4 yards 56°2024-12-11 10:31:34
RAY_TEST_700282.4 yards 55°2024-12-11 04:42:01 SEASTART 3286.1 yards 58°2024-12-10 03:33:32
YOLO292.0 yards 59°2024-12-06 06:37:50 SHADY LADY 3304.6 yards 103°2024-11-26 05:45:38
SPLASH PROOF305.3 yards 204°2024-11-13 09:51:57 BLACK KNIGHT306.4 yards 56°2024-12-04 13:01:09
CICADA314.6 yards 191°2024-12-06 11:21:23 HAL316.8 yards 206°2024-11-29 04:18:26
LADY L317.2 yards 210°2024-11-16 10:06:05 CREME DE LA CREME324.0 yards 191°2024-12-11 12:58:16
OH DREAM TIGER327.2 yards 18°2024-11-30 05:50:08 BORN TO BOOGIE329.4 yards 194°2024-11-17 11:51:37
ESMERALDA329.4 yards 181°2024-12-11 11:17:05 JUBILANT330.1 yards 26°2024-11-17 07:18:23
NAKATCHA330.7 yards 199°2024-12-09 11:16:34 SYGA331.3 yards 206°2024-11-30 06:30:45
Om denna site
Denna sida visar realtidsinformation från det Automatiska PositionsRapporteringsSystemet för Internet (APRS-IS). APRS används av radioamatörer för sändning av positionsinformation, väderdata, telemetri och meddelanden via radio. Ett fordon som är utrustat med en GPS-mottagare, en VHF-sändare eller HF transceiver och en liten dataenhet som kallas tracker, sänder sin position, fart och kurs i form av ett litet datapaket som sedan tas emot av en närliggande mottagningsplats (iGate) som skickar paketet vidare till Internet. System som är anslutna till Internet kan sända data via APRS-IS utan radiosändare, eller samla och presentera information som sänds var som helst i världen.
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